Wednesday, November 28, 2012


The clothing of a Muslim woman must not resemble the clothing of men. The following two hadeeth help to explain this. Abu Hurayrah (RAA) said: Allah's Messenger (SAAWS) cursed the man who wears women's clothes and the woman who wears men'sclothes. [Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah-Saheeh]

`Abdullah ibn `Umar (RAA) said he heard Allah's Messenger (SAAWS) say: The man who resembles a woman and the woman who resembles a man is not of us (i.e., not of the believers). [Ahmad and At-Tabarani-Saheeh]

Among the proofs used by the scholars regarding the face veil are the following: `Aishah (RAA) said: "May Allah bestow His Mercy on the first Muhajirat (emigrants). When Allah revealed:...and draw their head covers over their necks and bosoms... they tore their (material) and covered themselves with it." [Al-Bukhari]

The Prophet (SAWS) stated in a sahih hadith from Muslim:

“There are two types of the people of Hell whom I have not seen: men in whose hands are whips like the tails of cattle, with which they beat the people, and women who are clothed yet naked, maa’ilaat mumeelaat, with their heads like the humps of camels, tilted to one side. They will not enter Paradise nor even smell its fragrance.”

Ibn `Umar (RAA) reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAAWS) said: On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will not look at the man who trails his garment along out of pride. Umm Salamah then asked: What should women do with (the hems of) their garments? He replied: Let them lower them a hand span. She said: Their feet would be exposed! He then said: Let them lower them a forearm's length but no more. [Reported by At-Tabarani-Sahih]

Al-Qurtubi reports a narration from `Aishah (RAA) that some women from Banu Tamim came to see her wearing transparent clothing. `Aishah said to them: "If you are are believing women, these are not the clothes of believing women." He also reports that a bride came to see her wearing a sheer, transparent khimaar, whereupon `Aishah (RAA) said: "A woman who wears such clothing does not believe in Soorat An-Nur." —

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