Monday, November 19, 2012


Prophet (SAWS) said in this context...:
“Faith wears out in your heart as clothes wear out, so ask Allah to renew the faith in your hearts.” (narrate
d by al-Haakim in his Mustadrak and al-Tabaraani in his Mu’jam with a saheeh isnaad).
1. Committing sins and not feeling any guilt.
2. Having a hard heart and no desire to read the Quran.
3. Feeling too lazy to do good deeds, e.g. being late for salat
4. Neglecting the Sunnah.
5. Not feeling anything when hearing verses from the Quran, for example when Allah warns us of punishments and His promise of glad tidings.
6. Finding difficulty in remembering Allah and making dhikr.
7. Desiring status and wealth,Being mean and miserly, i.e. not wanting to part with wealth.
11. Ordering others to do good deeds when not practising them ourselves.
12. Being concerned with whether something is haram or halal only; and not avoiding makroo (not recommended) things.
13. Becoming engrossed and very involved with dunya, worldly things, i.e. feeling bad only when losing something in terms of material wealth.
14. Becoming engrossed and obsessive about ourselves.
1.As the prophet mentioned in the aforementioned hadith, we should first and foremost ask Allah to renew and reinforce the faith in our hearts.
2. Recite and ponder on the meanings of the Quran regularly(for atleast 10 mnts daily). Tranquility then descends and our hearts become soft. As Allah says in the Quran,
“Will they not then ponder over the Qur’an, or is it that they have their locks on (their) hearts (which bar them from reason).” [47:24]
2. Realize the greatness of Allah. Allah keeps track and looks after everything, even a black ant on a black rock on a black moonless night.
3. Make an effort to gain knowledge of Deen and attend daily/weekly(Qur,an and HAdhees) classes.
4. Attend gatherings(even among friends/relatives) where Allah is remembered and religious matters are discussed. In such gatherings we are surrounded by angels.
5. We have to increase our good deeds. Try to learn and revive as many sunnahs as possible.
6. We must fear the miserable end to our lives; the remembrance of death,which is the destroyer of pleasures.
7. Remember the different levels of akhirah, for instance when we are put in our graves, when we are judged, whether we will be in paradise or hell.
8. Make dua, realize that we need Allah. Be humble. Don't covet material things in this life. Increase Dhikr and Isthi'ghfar.
9. Realize how blessed we are than many others who are deprived of even the basic necessities in this life and Thank Allah as often as possible.
10. Believe that everything comes from Allah ,be it bad or good and Always Have trust and hope in Allah..

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