Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ten things we waste:

1. Knowledge: Wasted when not taking action with it.

2. Actions: Wasted when we do anything without sincerity. Intentions count.

3. Wealth: Wasted when used on things that will not bring us Ãjr (reward). We waste our money, our status, our authority, on things that have no benefit in this life or in Ãkhirah (The Hereafter).

4. Hearts: Wasted when empty from the love of Allah, and the longing for Him, and devoid of peace & contentment.

5. Bodies: Wasted when we don’t use them in ibÃdah (worship) and service of Allah in serving humankind.

6. Love: Wasted when our emotional love is misdirected, not towards Allah, but towards something/someone else.

7. Time : Wasted when not used properly, by not doing what is righteous.

8. Intellect : Wasted on things that are detrimental to society and the individual, not in contemplation or reflection.

9. Service: Wasted when in service of someone who will not bring us closer to Allah.

10. Dhikr: Wasted when it does not have an effect on our hearts.

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), Verily Man is in loss,
Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds,
and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth,
and of Patience and Constancy.

(Surah asr 103)

Imam Ash-Shafi'i said, "If the people were to ponder on this surah, this [alone] would be sufficient for them."

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