Saturday, November 10, 2012

There are certain things that one should keep in mind concerning the Dua

1.The Prophet once said,"Dua is Ibadah"(Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and Abu Dawud).Since it is a type of worship,it is something that we must always do.This is even to the extent that the Prophet said, "Allah is extremely displeased with the person who doesn't do duaa to Allah" (Tirmidhi)

2.As mentioned before,the Dua must always be done.Nowadays, we only say our Duas when hardship befalls us and is the last resort,when all else has failed.However,this should not be the case as the Prophet (saw) said,Whosoever desires that Allah answers his Duas in unfavorable and difficult conditions,he should make plentiful dua in days of ease and comfort.”

3.Try making Dua for others because if you do so,the same thing may also occur to you too.There are certain ayahs in the Quran such as the last Ayah in Surah Nuh, the meaning of which is,
"O my Lord! Forgive me, my parents, all who enter my house in Faith, and (all) believing men and believing women and to the wrong-doers grant Thou no increase but in perdition!"If you are to recite this verse, then you get a sin erased for every Muslim living in this world. Also, the Prophet said,"Duaa for a person not present is accepted quickly by Allah”

4.Have complete conviction that Allah will accept the Dua,because if you don’t,then there is a high chance it won’t be accepted.The Prophet said, 'When anyone of you does Dua then don't say "Oh Allah! Forgive me if you want", “Have mercy on me if you want“, “Give me subsistence if you wish” rather believe completely that HE will do whatever HE wishes. Nobody can force Him.” (Bukhari)

5.The best times to make Dua is when one is in Sujood, the times between Adhan and Iqamah, as well as at other times as indicated by the following Hadith in which the Prophet said,
"Three types of people’s Duas are not rejected: 1) At the time of Iftar the person who has fasted 2) Adil ruler’s Dua 3) The Dua of the oppressed.Allah raises the Dua of the oppressed on the clouds and the doors of heaven are opened for it and Allah says, “Oath of MY Majesty and Honor! I will help and aid you. Even though if the help is after few days.” (Tirmidhi)

Another Hadith listed another three in which the Prophet said, Three Duas are such in which there is no doubt of their acceptance: 1) Father’s Dua 2) Traveler’s Dua 3) Dua of the oppressed”. (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

May the above information strengthen your resolve to make more Duas and may it benefit you in many ways. Ameen…

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