Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dawah to Non Muslims is extra gain and Dawah to Muslims is securing Assets

All praise is for Allah, and the peace and blessings (of Allah) be upon His chosen Messenger, and his Companions and those who are satisfied with following the Messenger.

To proceed:
Allah has ordered Dawah (calling people to Allah). He says (in the Qur’aan),
“Invite (mankind, O Muhammad sallallahu alaihe wasallam) to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better.” [Soorah an-Nahl (16): 125]

“Who is better in speech than he who invites to Allah, and performs righteous deeds, and says, ‘I am one of the Muslims.’” [Soorah Fussilat (41): 33]

“Say (O Muhammad), ‘This is my way; I invite unto Allah with sure knowledge (Baseerah), I and whosoever follows me (also must invite to Allah) with sure knowledge. And Glorified and Exalted be Allah. And I am not of the Mushrikoon (polytheists).” [Soorah Yusuf (12): 108]

Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wasallam) said, “Convey from me, even if one aayat.” [Saheeh al-Bukharee (3461)]

And he (sallallahu alaihe wasallam) said, “that a single person is guided by you, it is better than red camels.” [Saheeh al-Bukharee (3701)]

The proofs of the Command to Dawah to Allah, its merits and its manners are numerous and well-known. (the following points) are concluded them:

1. Dawah should be for Allah, and to the Sabeel (Way) of Allah, and the Daee (the caller to Allah) should seek the Pleasure of Allah Alone. He should not call to his own-self, his hizb (party) or his group, not to his leadership, position, wealth or fame, or any other transient worldly objective.
2. Dawah should be to the Sabeel (Way) of Allah, which is His Straight Path and the Way of the Messenger of Allah.
3. Dawah should be carried out with Hikmah (wisdom), and fair preaching. Principles of Dawah are that Dawah should be based upon Ilm (knowledge), Rifq (kindness, gentleness) and Sabr (patience).
i) Ilm (knowledge) before ordering the good and forbidding the evil,
ii) Rifq (kindness, gentleness) during ordering the good and forbidding the evil, and
iii) Sabr (patience) upon ordering the good and forbidding the evil and after it.
4. Dawah has a great merit, and no one is better in speech, state of affairs or hoping (the rewards of Allah) than he, who calls to Allah.
5. Dawah is to be in accordance with one’s capability; one verse of the Qur’aan, one ruling of Islam or (even) one sunnah of Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wasallam).

Respected reader – may Allah guide me and you to every good – if you intend to perform an act, the rewards of which are never cut off, then you should do Dawah to Allah, because Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wasallam) said, “Verily, he who guides to a good (act), is like the one who performs that act (in terms of reward).” [Saheeh al-Jamee (1605)]
Respected reader, may Allah have mercy on me and on you, know that from the Hikmah (wisdom) of Dawah to Allah is that the caller should be more concerned for Dawah to the Muslims than Dawah to the disbelievers – because Dawah to the disbelievers is the extra gain and increase in the number of Muslims. Whereas, Dawah to the Muslims is securing the assets. And the successful merchant strives to protect his assets, and then he seeks to acquire the profit.

If you understand this, then it has become clear to you that the obligation is to make efforts, focusing upon Dawah to Muslims, and rectifying their Aqeedah (beliefs), their worships, their manners, especially since a lot of deviation and misguidance has entered their Aqeedah; and Bidah (innovation) has entered their worships – just like many Muslims have departed from their (Islamic) manners, and have fallen into every shamelessness and evil; – drugs, intoxicants, adultery, disobedience to parents, severing the ties of kinship, etc.

And this does not mean negligence from Dawah to the disbelievers, from exhorting them towards Islam, and from explaining its merits – this is one aspect of Dawah and it has its importance – but the priority is Dawah to Muslims; such that more efforts are made in Dawah to Muslims, than non-Muslims.

Also know, may Allah bless you, that steadfastness of the Muslims by their returning to the correct and pure Islam is in itself Dawah to non-Muslims, since deviation of Muslims causes (the non-Muslims) to turn away from the Path of Allah – How many disbelievers have been repulsed from entering Islam because of what they see of the state of the Muslims?

And there is no doubt that there are those who are counted as Muslims, and considered as Muslims, (but) they have no relation to Islam, and they do not bear Islam except its name – and by this I mean the mushriks (those who associate partners with Allah) from the batiniyyah, those who worship the Awliyaa (righteous) and the pious – they are the ones who show Islam and conceal Kufr – their condition should be explained and warned against such that they don’t turn the people away from Islam, or cause fitnah in the religion.

Also, focus should be exerted in rectifying the condition of the callers to Allah, and the leaders in every time and place. If these individuals take the lead and the people are lured by them, and they (the leaders) are not steadfast (upon the correct Deen), then without doubt, they will cause much corruption.

In summary, Dawah should be carried out with Hikmah. And from Hikmah is;
The Daee is concerned about Dawah to Muslims more than Dawah to non-Muslim. So, he exerts efforts in correcting their Aqeedah, worship and manners, and he pays more attention to the guide the Duaat (callers to Allah) and leaders, so that they do not spread falsehood.
The wise Daee does not neglect explaining the situation of the people of desires and innovations, and those who falsely attribute themselves to Islam – so that the people do not misunderstand their way to be Islam.

The wise Daee should also not neglect Dawah to non-Muslims, and mentioning the merits of Islam (to them).

And every Daee should remember that Dawah should be to Allah and to His Way.
And all Praise is for Allah in the beginning and at the end, and may Allah send blessings upon out Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wasallam), and all his Sahabah.

By Shaikh Salim at-Taweel

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